
Exceptions raised by the protocol binding implementations.


ClientRequestTimeout(*args, **kwargs) Exception raised when a protocol client request reaches the timeout.
FormNotFoundException(*args, **kwargs) Exception raised when a form for a given protocol binding could not be found in a Thing Description.
ProtocolClientException(*args, **kwargs) Base Exceptions raised by clients of the protocol binding implementations.
exception wotpy.protocols.exceptions.ClientRequestTimeout(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: wotpy.protocols.exceptions.ProtocolClientException

Exception raised when a protocol client request reaches the timeout.

DEFAULT_MSG = 'Timeout in protocol client request'
exception wotpy.protocols.exceptions.FormNotFoundException(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: wotpy.protocols.exceptions.ProtocolClientException

Exception raised when a form for a given protocol binding could not be found in a Thing Description.

DEFAULT_MSG = 'Protocol Form not found in TD'
exception wotpy.protocols.exceptions.ProtocolClientException(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Exception

Base Exceptions raised by clients of the protocol binding implementations.

DEFAULT_MSG = 'Protocol client error'