
Dictionaries and classes defined under the W3C WoT Scripting API specification.

wotpy.wot.consumed ConsumedThing and related entities.
wotpy.wot.dictionaries Objects defined in the Scripting API specification represented as classes that are basically dict-wrappers.
wotpy.wot.discovery Thing discovery services.
wotpy.wot.exposed ExposedThing and related entities.
wotpy.wot.constants Constants related to objects in the Thing hierarchy.
wotpy.wot.enums Classes that contain various enumerations.
wotpy.wot.events Classes that represent events that are emitted by Things.
wotpy.wot.form Class that represents the form entities exposed by interactions.
wotpy.wot.interaction Classes that represent all interaction patterns.
wotpy.wot.servient Class that represents a WoT servient.
wotpy.wot.td Classes that represent the JSON and JSON-LD serialization formats of a Thing Description document.
wotpy.wot.thing Class that represents a Thing.
wotpy.wot.validation Schemas following the JSON Schema specification used to validate the shape of Thing Description documents.
wotpy.wot.wot Class that serves as the WoT entrypoint.